Monday, August 22, 2011

News from the Week of August 15th 2011

Here are some interesting posts from this past week.

How Will Discovery Drive Transactions? Is search really being replaced by discovery through social recommendations? If not, then I believe it is certainly being competed with and supplemented big time.

Mobile technology 2011 video. Interesting short video highlighting how folks are using mobile tech.

Hand mounted sonar replaces cane for visually impaired. We are going to see a tremendous amount of technology like this to help humans interact with the physical world.

The Real Difference between iPhone people and Android people. No, it's not this weeks made for TV movie from the SciFi channel. That is MegaShark vs. Crocosaurus.

Stumble Upon now delivers half of U.S. Social Media Traffic. Do you even know StumbleUpon exists and what it is?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

We Published our iPhone App

I almost forgot to post about this...

We have released our iPhone, iPad and Web app version of SehMobile apps.

Check them out on our web site.

Monday, June 20, 2011

More Time Spent Using Mobile Apps than Browsing From PC

Flurry released a report today showing that people now spend more time using mobile apps than they do browsing the web from their personal computer.

Talk about a major change. Your web site is still your foundation, but your phone app just got a lot higher priority.

Friday, June 17, 2011

62% of Consumers Want Mobile Apps

Interesting coverage on ReadWriteWeb today about a study done by DemandWare.

Read more here.

They go on to compare what consumers say they want to a Forrester Study released today estimating growth of sales through mobile.

My conclusion is that businesses are failing to provide what consumers want and that is holding back sales.

Sounds like a great opportunity for new sales with light competition to me.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Voter Walk List

Our latest service is Voter Walk List. We think it is about to change the way all political campaigns work with their limited volunteer resources.

It uses current phone app technology and cloud database services to provide real time feedback from your walk list volunteers. It can also be used by your phone canvassers.

Take a quick look...

Voter Walk List
View more presentations from Duke Williams.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Smart Phone Market Share May 2011

Nielsen has their May 2011 number out today on Smart Phone market share in the US.

Android = 36%

Apple iOS = 26%

Blackberry = 23%

The rest really don't matter.

Less than two years ago Blackberry had 43% and Android had 2.5%

It is pretty easy to see where this is going. I think Android will end up this time next year at around 65% to 70% market share. iPhone will stay strong in second at around 20% and Blackberry will be barely hanging on.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Generation Gap and Smart Phones

The Kiplinger Letter had results of an interesting study at the end of 2010.

To me it highlights the basic reason small business has been so slow to understand not just the importance of the web, but the transcendent effect of mobile technology.

Simply put, the folks that own the small businesses do not yet use the technologies most of their prospects use.

Here is a snapshot of the results...

 Here were some other results of Generation Y's technology usage...

•   90% use the Internet
•   75% use social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
•   60% access the web wirelessly on-the-go
•   83% keep their cell phone nearby, even when asleep
•   40% don’t even have a landline

A good friend of mine from the Boomer generation bought his first smart phone - an Android -  two weeks ago today. After he had it for three days I saw him at a conference. He could not believe how it had already changed how he did everyday things.

I asked him if there could have possibility been anything I could have said to him before he bought his smart phone that could have made him understand what just a few days of having his own smart phone made him understand.

His unqualified answer was "no". Nothing I could have said could have made him understand.

I asked him if he thought he could explain it to someone who did not yet have a smart phone. Again, he said no.

This was a truely transformational event in his life. Yet he can not clearly explain it.

 It is no wonder the average small business owner doesn't understand. But if they want to work with those who do, they need to take the leap and get a smart phone - Android or iPhone, the Blackberry or Windowes phones don't count because they have no significant apps - today. Approach it with an open mind and learn what it is all about.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Decline and fall of Blackberry

Interesting post by Henry Blodget over on The Business Insider on the future of Blackberry. Here are teh main points he makes...

1 - RIM’s products are no longer the best on the market

2 - the smartphone market has become a “platform” game

3 - one of the biggest selling points for BlackBerrys has always been their security and integration with corporate computing systems, most notably Microsoft’s Exchange. Increasingly, however, companies are allowing employees to use whichever devices they prefer.

His conclusion...

The most likely scenario for RIM is that it becomes Nokia, a company that once dominated the cellphone market but lost several steps and is now scrambling to stay relevant. A worse scenario would be that RIM becomes the next Palm, a one-time leader that falls on its face and is eventually sold for scrap to a larger technology player.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Apps 6 Times More Popular Than Web on Phones

Read Write Web has a post comparing the use of apps vs. web browsers today titled. Apps 6 Times More Popular than Web on Phones.

The chart below shows the results of the study by Zokem.

Here is the basic quote...

"The study, conducted in April 2011, found that on smartphones, apps were used 85% of the time, but the Web browser was used just 15% of the time. On tablets, apps were still popular, but were used just 61% of the time as compared with Web browsing, which was used 39% of the time."

I hear lots of discussion about how your company's phone app will become more important than your company's web site. In a post PC world - which we are now entering - I believe this is definitely true.