Friday, July 27, 2012

Electronic Proof of Insurance

Electronic Proof of Insurance
Allows you customer to take a picture of their Proof of Insurance Card while in your phone app, save the picture onto their phone and display the picture to any police officer asking for proof of insurance.
New Laws This Year
As of this writing these state will accept electronic proof of insurance.
  1. Alabama
  2. Arizona
  3. California
  4. Colorado
  5. Idaho
  6. Louisiana
  7. Minnesota
What Exactly is Acceptable as Electronic Proof of Insurance
The Colorado law uses this wording…
This may be, but is not limited to, insurer provided electronic image/proof on applicant’s cellular phone, lap top, or other portable type of electronic device.”
Idaho uses this wording…
“This may be, but is not limited to, insurer provided electronic image/proof on applicant’s cellular phone, lap top, or other portable type of electronic device.”
Louisiana’s wording is…
an image of the card or similar documents
26 capable of being displayed on a mobile electronic device,”
Arizona wording
“The card meets the requirement or an image of the card that is displayed on a wireless communication device meets the requirement”
Minnesota does not define the format, only that “The insurance identification card may be provided
in an electronic format if the insured agrees.” 

California also does not define the file format.
No Right to View Other Content
If only a picture is needed, then the insured can always just take their phone and take a picture of their Proof of Insurance Card setting on their desk. But do they really what to let the police officer look at all the other pictures in their Gallery while they try and find the one they took of their Proof of Insurance?
All of the laws include language making it clear that the police officer has no right to view any other material on the mobile device or that the action of showing your Proof of Insurance on your mobile device is not permission to provide any other access to your mobile device.
Here is the California wording:
“(g) For the purposes of this section, when a person provides evidence of financial responsibility using a mobile electronic device to a peace officer, the peace officer shall only view the evidence of financial responsibility and is prohibited from viewing any other content on the mobile electronic device.”
Give Your Insureds a Helpful Tool
Adding this form to your agency’s phone app is another way to provide better customer service.
Let us know if you want this added to your app.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Phone Apps Re-Imagine Insurance Customer Service

Most of your customers now have a computer in their pocket all the time. Here is what they do with that computer (smart phone)
  • Make phone calls - 100%
  • Send text message - almost 100%
  • Use a Mobile App - 67%
  • Open a web link - 35%

Your customer's smart phone is the most personal and pervasive thing they own. Doesn't it make sense that you make your business as easy to work with as possible on the most used thing your customers own?

A well designed phone app can let your customers do everything your web site lets them do plus a lot more.

Things Smart Phones Can Do that Web Sites Can Not

  • Place a phone call with one touch
  • Send a text message
  • Automatically add time/date and location to any request form they send to you
  • Be always on and always them

SehMobile is the Leader in Insurance Phone Apps
SehMobile was the first phone app created specifically for the property and casualty insurance agency.

We have never stopped improving our product because we never want to give up our advantage of being first. So while there are now a few other apps available for insurance agencies, we stand out in all the things we can make your app do for you and your customer.

We continue to add new features once or twice a month. Few, if any, other app providers, have ever added any new features.

Not only do we add new features frequently, we go back to your apps and offer to update them for you as part of our normal service.

Get Three Apps

We provide

  1. An iOS native app for Apple's iPhone and iPad
  2. A native Android app for Android phones and tablets
  3. An Web App for your web site when found through mobile search or for use on Blackberry or Windows smart phones.

Download Some of Our Apps

You can download all the apps we have created for other agencies for free in either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Email me and I will send you some suggestions.

Or, go to this link to see a video of one of our best know apps...

IndiePal App

Now Your Agency Can Afford an App

SehMobile created a way for you to get a high quality smart phone app for your customers to download.

Your agency's app gives you a very strong presence with your customers. It will help you keep existing customers and attract new ones.

SehMobile is the first and leading publisher of phone apps for insurance agents.